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Welcome to Avomod, a quality of life mod developed by Albb_n, Eliux and newracket. Below, you will find a download link and a list of the various features this mod has to offer.


Stable release


Beta release


New updates are released on modrinth and CurseForge from now on.


If you find any bugs, please notify Albb_n, Eliux or newracket.


  • World age command (lists age of world)
    • /avomod age <world>
  • Aliases command (lists all command aliases)
    • /avomod aliases
  • Chest count command (lists total chests found by player)
    • /avomod chestcount <ign, leaving blank will default to user>
  • Configs command (displays avomod configs)
    • /avomod configs
  • Item count command (counts how many of the item you’re holding is in your inventory)
    • /avomod count
  • Find player command (similar to /find, but works in lobby)
    • /avomod find <ign>
  • Help command (displays avomod help)
    • /avomod help <command (OPTIONAL)>
  • Last seen command (displays how long it’s been since person logged on)
    • /avomod lastseen <ign>
  • Online members command (lists online members in guild)
    • /avomod onlinemembers <guild name or tag>
  • Player count command (lists player count of world)
    • /avomod playercount <world>
  • Player guild command (lists guild that player is in and time in guild)
    • /avomod playerguild <ign>
  • Active worlds command (lists most recent worlds and their age)
    • /avomod up <amount to show (optional, defaults to 5)>
  • Warcount command (only displays wars done while avomod is active)
    • /avomod wars <past n days (OPTIONAL, defaults to infinity)>
  • Soulpoints command (shows which worlds will soon get soulpoints)
    • /am soulpoints
  • Gui Locations command (changes the gui locations)
    • /am locations
  • Autostream command (/stream on world switch or /class)
    • /am autostream

Custom Keybinds:

Way for you to create your own chat keybinds, in which a command is executed on the press of a key.

  • List keybinds command (lists all current keybinds)
    • /avomod keybinds list
  • Add keybind command (adds keybind)
    • /avomod keybinds add <keybind letter> <command to execute>
  • Remove keybind command (removes keybind from list)
    • /avomod keybinds remove <keybind letter>

War Features:

  • Custom War Timer Display
    • Sorts timers soonest to latest
    • Shows defense of territory
    • Highlights what territory you are in
    • Click to create beacon at territory and post coordinates in chat
  • Green beacon at soonest war
  • War Tracker (completely local, no data leaves your pc) only counts wars done with avomod enabled
    • Displays wars done in past week in bottom right
    • View wars done since certain date using /am wars
  • Aura ping

Other Features:

  • Average level of items in chest displayed above chest
  • Disable moving armor and accessories
  • Search item on trade market by middle clicking item
  • Filter out depositing and withdrawing items from guild bank
  • Autoskip quest dialogue
  • Filter out territory resource messages
  • Displays nickname of nicked champions
  • Say territory defense in chat automatically after attacking
  • Auto /stream on world switch
  • Hide entities (mobs and damages) in wars
  • Display war info (time in war, tower EHP/DPS, team DPS)
  • More intuitive trade menu sell menu
    • Green plus means finished buy order
    • Green checkmark means finished sell order
    • Yellow checkmark means sell order that ran out of time
  • Guild bank keybind (opens guild bank if you are in range). Default is Y
  • Make mob health more readable (replaces numbers like 423,314 with 423.3k)
  • Show courage and vanish bonus on screen
  • Tracks bomb bells & displays time left on screen (champion only)
  • Prevent joining war when afk